Archive for April, 2012

Town hall beatdown assailant, victim on August ballot

An “alleged” assailant and one of the victims in the infamous 2009 Carnahan town hall beatdown now have something in common: Both have filed for party committee posts in the August 7, 2012 Missouri non-presidential primary.

Ellston McGowan, an SEIU staffer who was accused and later technically acquitted of assaulting Kenneth Gladney, has filed (and is unopposed) for Green Party committeeman in the 2nd Ward in north St. Louis. McGowan, who was the Green Party nominee for mayor in 2009, also filed as the Green Party candidate for Public Administrator, the office that administers the probate estates of deceased city residents for whom no family members are available or willing to do so.

Tea Party activist Kelly Owens, after photographing the 2009 assault on Gladney, was herself assaulted by a colleague of McGowan, breaking Owens’ camera. Owens, a long-time Libertarian Party activist, filed for Republican committewoman for the 24th Ward in the Dogtown neighborhood. She is challenging the current 24th Ward committeewoman, Republican City Chair Sharon Barnes. Owens was recently elected a delegate to the congressional district and state conventions at the March 24 Republican caucus in the City of St. Louis, as part of a slate unofficially supporting Ron Paul for president.